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Temat: Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise Blue Edition

There’s quite a big chance that you’ve never heard of this ‘Blue Edition’, because - it is only available to equipment manufacturers and not to the general public.

This is the copy from the original disk, which is (as said before) only accessible to technicians of Microsoft. This version of Microsoft Office 2007 will never appear for sale, since this is the only version where there is no need for a serial. This version also doesn’t need an activation. The installer is very simple, undetailed and handy. The interface of application is completely changed, it is modernized and practically reminds in no way to the previous versions.In a few minutes the software will be installed on your computer, without any questions or other things that slow down the installation.
Office Enterprise 2007 is the most complete Microsoft toolset provided for people who must collaborate with others and work with information efficiently, regardless of location or network status. Office Enterprise 2007 builds on the strengths of Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2007, adding Microsoft Office Groove 2007 and Microsoft Office OneNote 2007, enabling people to collaborate and create, manage, and use information more efficiently.

Krótko mówiąc wersja która nie ukaże sie w sprzedaży jest (chyba) tylko dla praconików Microsoftu, i nie wymaga CD KEya.

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Temat: UAC w Windows 7 - jeszcze bardziej frustrujący

Michał Gancarski wrote:
| 1. tylko w 33% procentach sesji typowego użytkownika w Viście
| występuje co najmniej jedno zapytanie ze strony UAC
| http://blogs.msdn.com/e7/archive/2008/10/08/user-account-control.aspx

No to mówiłem, że jestem nietypowy. Tiber, Ty odmieńcze!

Ale zaczyna się obiecująco:
"User Account Control (UAC) is, arguably, one of the most controversial
features in Windows Vista. Why did Microsoft add all those popups to

Ja nie wiem i nie pamiętam, i UAC widziałem tylko u kolegi, ale blogasek
http://wehateuac.blogasek.com opublikował wyniki niezależnych badań z
których wynika, że w 67% sesji 104% userów Visty SP8 system wysypuje się
przed drugim zapytaniem.

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Temat: msh.

Maciej Dziardziel <fied@fiedzia.prv.plwrote:


 MSH has very few line editing shortcuts, and extremely limited support for
 tab completion.

bez praktycznego znaczenia - uzywanie shella do pracy interaktywnej
jest passe.

 Although users can define functions and Cmdlets with native MSH syntax,
 there is no way to define new classes.
 I would also like to see Microsoft add additional support for graphical
 application construction with .NET Winforms inside of MSH.

A tu dalej 100 lat za murzynami.

ale nadal nieporownywalnie blizej niz unix, ktorego shell nijak nie
obsluguje i nie wspiera ani klas, ani gui.

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Temat: msh.
 Dziêki, Ponure, za post o tre¶ci:

|  Although users can define functions and Cmdlets with native MSH syntax,
|  there is no way to define new classes.
| [..]
|  I would also like to see Microsoft add additional support for graphical
|  application construction with .NET Winforms inside of MSH.

| A tu dalej 100 lat za murzynami.

ale nadal nieporownywalnie blizej niz unix, ktorego shell nijak nie
obsluguje i nie wspiera ani klas, ani gui.

 # chsh -s /usr/bin/python test
 # su - test
Python 2.4.1 (#1, Apr 10 2005, 22:30:36)
[GCC 3.3.5] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

| "shell?"
| import gtk
| class cosik(gtk.Window):

...     def __init__(self):
...     gtk.Window.__init__(self)
...     self.set_title("Look mam, I'm shell!")
...     self.show_all()

| cosik

<class __main__.cosik at 0xb7e5bf8c

| okno = cosik

 I tu pojawia siê na ekranie okienko GUIowe.

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Temat: msh.

Tomasz Torcz <zdzi@irc.-spamu.nie.chce-.plwrote:
|  Although users can define functions and Cmdlets with native MSH syntax,
|  there is no way to define new classes.
| [..]
|  I would also like to see Microsoft add additional support for graphical
|  application construction with .NET Winforms inside of MSH.

| A tu dalej 100 lat za murzynami.

| ale nadal nieporownywalnie blizej niz unix, ktorego shell nijak nie
| obsluguje i nie wspiera ani klas, ani gui.

# chsh -s /usr/bin/python test

wiesz, w ten sposob pod windows tez mozesz.  z tym samym pythonem.
tyle tylko, ze rozmawiamy o shellu.


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Temat: msh.
 Dzięki, Ponure, za post o treści:

Tomasz Torcz <zdzi@irc.-spamu.nie.chce-.plwrote:
|  Although users can define functions and Cmdlets with native MSH syntax,
|  there is no way to define new classes.
| [..]
|  I would also like to see Microsoft add additional support for graphical
|  application construction with .NET Winforms inside of MSH.

| A tu dalej 100 lat za murzynami.

| ale nadal nieporownywalnie blizej niz unix, ktorego shell nijak nie
| obsluguje i nie wspiera ani klas, ani gui.

| # chsh -s /usr/bin/python test

wiesz, w ten sposob pod windows tez mozesz.  z tym samym pythonem.
tyle tylko, ze rozmawiamy o shellu.

 Uczono mnie, że shell w Uniksach to jest taki program, który przyjmuje polecenia
od użytkownika i je wykonuje. Python pasuje do tej definicji.

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Temat: msh.

Ponure Zacietrzewienie wrote:
bez praktycznego znaczenia - uzywanie shella do pracy interaktywnej
jest passe.

Żebym nie miał kontaktu z unixowymi shellami to może bym uwierzył.
Dopełnianie pomijając jego wygodę dość mocno wpływa na czas potrzebny do
nauczenia się shella. Zresztą nieinteraktywnie się nie da.

| [..]
|  Although users can define functions and Cmdlets with native MSH syntax,
|  there is no way to define new classes.
| [..]
|  I would also like to see Microsoft add additional support for graphical
|  application construction with .NET Winforms inside of MSH.

| A tu dalej 100 lat za murzynami.

ale nadal nieporownywalnie blizej niz unix, ktorego shell nijak nie
obsluguje i nie wspiera ani klas, ani gui.

Sam z siebie nie, bo i po co. Za to nie ma problemu, żeby skorzystać z
zainstalowanych już naczęściej w systemie narzędzi które mają to i mnóstwo
innych rzeczy, jak np. [k|g]dialog albo python+gtk/qt.

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Temat: msh.
Ponure Zacietrzewienie schrieb:

Maciej Dziardziel <fied@fiedzia.prv.plwrote:

| bez praktycznego znaczenia - uzywanie shella do pracy interaktywnej
| jest passe.

| Żebym nie miał kontaktu z unixowymi shellami to może bym uwierzył.

bo pod typowym uniksem stosunkowo niewiele da sie zrobic w gui.

tzn. czego nie da sie zrobic w gui, co da sie zrobic w shellu?


| Although users can define functions and Cmdlets with native MSH syntax,
| there is no way to define new classes.
| | [..]
| I would also like to see Microsoft add additional support for graphical
| application construction with .NET Winforms inside of MSH.

| | A tu dalej 100 lat za murzynami.

| ale nadal nieporownywalnie blizej niz unix, ktorego shell nijak nie
| obsluguje i nie wspiera ani klas, ani gui.

| Sam z siebie nie, bo i po co.

po to, zeby mozna bylo latwo zrobic gui.  zreszta, co tam gui - uniksowy
shell nawet regexpow nie obsluguje, i jakakolwiek obrobka tekstu wymaga
uzywania zewnetrznych narzedzi w stylu awka i seda.

widze ze o awku i sedzie troche doczytales, i juz wiesz, ze one sa do
obrobki tekstu (btw, jaki jest ich odpowiednik w monadzie?).
a shell w uniksie regexpow nie obsluguje? doksztalc sie.

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Temat: routing - nie wiem dlaczego nie dziala

Marek Rynkowski wrote:
Na stacjonarnym mam WINNT a na laptopie mam win2000.

No to porazka bo WinNT nie ma takiej funkcji:
Available by adding Microsoft Proxy Server to a Windows NT 4.0 server at a
one time cost.

Musialbys miec MsProxy np.
Ew. mozesz sprobowac instalnac
WinRoute .

Najprosciej (dla mnie by bylo jakbys mial W2K na stacjonarnym)

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Temat: WinNT i udostepnienie internetu.

Jolman wrote:
Najlepiej systemowego narzedzia: Routing & Remote Access. Nalezy
wybraz w wizardzie NAT a nastepnie opcje tworzenia nowej-wirtualnej
karty dla polaczenia dial-up. dodam, ze dla np. neostrady, najlepiej
wywalic ichni soft i zwyczajnie zaistalowac "recznie" modem adsl,
(poprzebny sterownik z instalki).

Nie ma tego w Win NT 4.0:
Network Address Translator (NAT)
Available by adding Microsoft Proxy Server to a Windows NT 4.0 server at a
one time cost.

Pozostaje toporne MsProxy lub WinGate lub WinRoute.

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Temat: AOL embraces Linux and Mozilla, plans to drop MS Explorer

Sources inside AOL and Red Hat
say AOL is making a major internal switch to Linux, and the long-rumored AOL
default browser switch from Microsoft's Internet Explorer to Mozilla -- or
at least Mozilla's Gecko rendering engine -- is well under way, but AOL will
probably not offer an AOL client for Linux in the forseeable future.

According to several Red Hat and AOL employees who spoke to NewsForge but
asked us not to use their names, recent negotiations between AOL and Red Hat
that led to rumors about AOL considering a Red Hat acquisition were really
negotiations for support contracts that will help AOL use Linux more

[i kawa³ek który szczególnie polecam WO]

AOL is switching to Linux for the same reason most large companies make the
change: to save money. Thousands of AOL servers are already 100% Linux, and
more are switching over every day. AOL number-crunchers figure they can
replace an $80,000 box running proprietary UNIX with two $5,000 Linux boxes
and get a 50% increase in performance in addition to the cost savings.
"Don't tell our competitors," one of our AOL contacts says. "Let them keep
buying expensive crap."

We hear that every hardware vendor who approaches AOL is now being asked,
"How is your support for Linux?" before they are even allowed to make a
sales presentation.

Microsoft's server products have never been seriously considered by AOL,
according to our insiders. "The licenses cost too much, their hardware
requirements are excessive, they take too much labor to maintain, and we
have enough security problems of our own without adding Microsoft's," says
an AOL bean-counter who has access to the company's server cost numbers.


"With Gecko, we have control over the client software and don't have to
worry about Microsoft screwing up our streaming [audio and video]," says one
AOL sysadmin. There is also concern at AOL about Explorer's "poor use" of
the HTTP 1.1 Protocol . Our AOL sysadmin says, "HTTP 1.1 has lots more
features than most people use," but AOL can make good use of many
lesser-known ones like chunking, that are not supported by Explorer because,
says our AOL sysadmin friend, "MSIE doesn't follow the spec correctly."



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