Oglądasz wypowiedzi znalezione dla frazy: Microsoft number

Temat: Microsoft Antipiracy Tool Can Cause Mac Crash

A security vulnerability in an antipiracy tool included in Microsoft's
Office version X for the Apple Macintosh can allow an attacker to crash
applications in Office, Microsoft said in a bug alert on Thursday.

The vulnerability is in the Network Product Identification Checker component
of Office X. That component is a tool that checks the local network where
the copy of Office is running, to detect any other copies that are using the
same Product Identifier (PID), a number similar to a serial number,
Microsoft said. Each copy of Office X periodically "announces" its PID to
the network, and if two copies of Office X on a single network share the
same PID, the application shuts down.

<Fajne :)

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Temat: Microsoft Antipiracy Tool Can Cause Mac Crash
[ Krzysztof Luks ]

The vulnerability is in the Network Product Identification Checker component
of Office X. That component is a tool that checks the local network where
the copy of Office is running, to detect any other copies that are using the
same Product Identifier (PID), a number similar to a serial number,
Microsoft said. Each copy of Office X periodically "announces" its PID to
the network, and if two copies of Office X on a single network share the
same PID, the application shuts down.

Tyle jeÂśli idzie o uÂżywanie Office X / MacOS.  Nie tknĂŞ tego czegoÂś :-P


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Temat: Microsoft Antipiracy Tool Can Cause Mac Crash

| | "KL" == Krzysztof Luks <m0@smap.me.notwrites:

KLThat component is a tool that checks the local network where the
KLcopy of Office is running, to detect any other copies that are
KLusing the same Product Identifier (PID), a number similar to a
KLserial number, Microsoft said. Each copy of Office X periodically
KL"announces" its PID to the network, and if two copies of Office X
KLon a single network share the same PID, the application shuts

W Âświecie makówek to nic niezwykÂłego. Spora czêœÌ drogiego,
profesjonanego oprogramowania ma lub moaÂła taki mechanizm. Np. Quark
Xpress tak ma (moÂże teraz nie bo stosujÂą klucze sprzĂŞtowe), niektóre
aplikacje Adobe teÂż tak miaÂły. RóÂżnica byÂła taka Âże druga kopia siĂŞ
nie uruchamiaÂła. WyÂświetlaÂła stosowny komunikat i odmawiaÂła
wspóÂłpracy, a nie zdychaÂła z nienacka.  

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