Oglądasz wypowiedzi znalezione dla frazy: Microsoft serial number

Temat: Microsoft Antipiracy Tool Can Cause Mac Crash

A security vulnerability in an antipiracy tool included in Microsoft's
Office version X for the Apple Macintosh can allow an attacker to crash
applications in Office, Microsoft said in a bug alert on Thursday.

The vulnerability is in the Network Product Identification Checker component
of Office X. That component is a tool that checks the local network where
the copy of Office is running, to detect any other copies that are using the
same Product Identifier (PID), a number similar to a serial number,
Microsoft said. Each copy of Office X periodically "announces" its PID to
the network, and if two copies of Office X on a single network share the
same PID, the application shuts down.

<Fajne :)

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Temat: Microsoft Antipiracy Tool Can Cause Mac Crash
[ Krzysztof Luks ]

The vulnerability is in the Network Product Identification Checker component
of Office X. That component is a tool that checks the local network where
the copy of Office is running, to detect any other copies that are using the
same Product Identifier (PID), a number similar to a serial number,
Microsoft said. Each copy of Office X periodically "announces" its PID to
the network, and if two copies of Office X on a single network share the
same PID, the application shuts down.

Tyle jeÂśli idzie o uÂżywanie Office X / MacOS.  Nie tknĂŞ tego czegoÂś :-P


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